A Dungeon World Adventure for Group or Solo Play
Dungeon World is one of my favorite fantasy settings and equally at home used for GM lead groups or solo play, using any of the available oracles or sets of solo tools.
The Dwarven mine is a classic adventure with monsters to fight, traps to avoid, and a puzzle to solve. The map uses the 3rd dimension, allowing enemies to attack from above, and making getting to them difficult. There is also one exit on the map that is left to the GM to decide. IF the bad guys collapse it, the adventure is self-contained and playable in a session or two. Leave that exit open and the GM can feed it straight into any bigger dungeon crawl that your players would enjoy.
This adventure uses Jason Cordova's 7-3-1 method to set up the key elements of the adventure in a way that is very improvisation-friendly. This makes it easy to play as a GM and as a solo player using an oracle.
This is a 13 page PDF, two pages are cover and front matter. It is a layered PDF allowing you to turn off images for ease of printing. There is a separate map image file, allowing you to print in color or monochrome and to your choice of size.