Cut Up Solo
Around The World In 80 Days [Jules Verne]
This book takes the next from the classic Jules Verne novel and cuts it into snippets of 3-5 words. There are two d1000 tables included in the PDF and 15,000 snippets in the included spreadsheets. The spreadsheets (xlsx and ods formats) are set up to randomly grab 20 snippets at a time, or use can use the build in Find All function to use the spreadsheet as a concordance.
These cut ups suit a game set in a Victoriana genre or a generic game with a victoriana sourcebook.
Cut Up Solo is a technique that uses random snippets of text that you pick and fit together, creating what the GM says to you. You can then respond to that, and then the cycle repeats. As all the snippets in this set all come from the book, it gives a sense of continuity.
Cut up play is very different from more traditional oracle driven solo play. If you struggle with how to interpret word pairs or prompts, cut up could be for you.