All your combat rolls at a flip of a card
3Deep has a very interactive combat system, defenders can try and use their shields, or use your combat skill to dodge, duck or dive. As you attack you can roll to attack, roll your damage, hit locations, and for knockback to send your target flying.
If you are using everything combat can get slow. Speed it up with these combat tarot cards. All your rolls on a single card. Attacker and Defender draw a card and all the rolls are made for you, from attack and damage to shield activation and knockback.
The reverse of each card has all the rolls and inspiration prompts for the 3Deep Solo engine. Every roll, from every table, is listed here.
Included in the digital card download is a PDF of all the cards, front and back, for easy home printing. You also get every card as a PNG image for uploading to online card dealers or card apps.
You also get an instruction pamphlet that explains the layout of each card.